Hi Everyone!

How are you doing?

I hope Everything is going well.

So, now we are going to talk about SMILE!

So, I have a question for you. The question is that,


You might be recollecting that "when did I smile?"

or Your answer might be I have smiled just now....!

Hmm, okay…!

Why to remember everything? Why don't You SMILE now.

So Make a smiling face 😊 take a selfie, upload it on WhatsApp status by captioning #SMILE and make others also smile.

So there are some faces who always smile and there are some faces who smile often.

It's ok chalega! Because Everyone's life is different. But here, it's  just the matter of Smile.

There are some reasons why I'm saying you to smile. One of the main reason is that  smiling removes negativity from life by substituting positivity. That's why many people say 'MUSKURATE RAHO'  which means KEEP SMILING in Hindi. Another reason is that smile reduces stress. You may believe or not but it is true. When you start smiling regularly then you notice a little change in your life.    

 You know what! you may become the reason for someone's smile. Now you ask how?  When you smile at someone and they too smile at you. aren't they? This is how your smile can make some other person smile. So simple nah!😃😇


Don't smile often, but smile regularly. So here I'm going to ask you something that looks a little awkward.

Can you SMILE in ANGER?

What? Smiling in Anger ah! It might me your expression. 

and your answer might be a big Noooooo. The reason is that it is not at all possible to smile in anger because at that time we will be connected to negativity. Instead of making ourselves calm, making ourselves relax, what we do? we shout, we scream.  This is what we actually do. The result of this anger is that it brings bad Impression on us. We need to stop this.  

What do you think?

And I completely agree with  this fact that there are some situations in our life like anger, tiredness, work pressure and so on. In these situations it is not at all possible to smile. And I completely agree with this fact also that, WHAT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR US IF WE WANT  TO DO? EVERTHING IS POSSIBLE  IF WE TRY.

What I wanted to tell here is that we have to develop the HABIT OF SMILING in these situations also. It looks impossible at the beginning. But when we start it changes us.

So, when you are ANGRY, SMILE.

When you are TIRED, SMILE.


A small tip to make you Smile: Take out the Album of your childhood pictures and take a photo of that picture in which you are grinning 😁 and keep that picture as the wallpaper of you phone. Whenever you see  your phone a little and shiny smile comes on your face. This is a small Present for the one who is reading this Post.

Welcome your day with a  cool and bright smile.

Keep Smiling!

Thank You!!




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