
Showing posts from 2021

Difficulties are part of life. Handling them with smile is the art of life(QUOTES)......

 QUOTES ON LIFE Lesser the traffic of thoughts in your mind, Easier is the journey of life... It is all in the mind BE SAFE! Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is! The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference. Difficulties are the "part of life" and to come out of them, SMILING is the "art of life". With smile say "this time will also pass away" and  continue  the journey of life.... The sign of maturity is not when we start speaking big things, but actually it is, when we start understanding small things. The two powerful habits to elevate our life. 1. Encourage instead of criticizing. 2. Understand instead of judging. Forgiving people who have hurt you, is your gift to them. Forgetting people who have hurt you  is your gift to yourself. Unexpected results and problems are part of life.  Never lose hope in any condition,  because darkness of night always ends  with the light of the day. You may not be perfect in many t...


SUCCESS QUOTES Almost every successful person begins with 2 beliefs.. "The future can be better than the present and  I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE IT SO." FIGHT WITH YOUR STRENGTH, But not with other's weaknesses! because true success lies in your efforts, not in others defeats. The best sentence "TAKE RISK IN YOUR LIFE." If you win, you can lead... If you Loose, You can guide. Success is not measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace  Be strong as you fight your way to  success. The difficulty you face is nothing compared to the joy of success. *********************************************************** ************************************************ ************************************ *********************** *************  

Quotes on Life

QUOTES ON LIFE  Life is a constant conflict between Affection and Ego.  Affection always wants to say sorry but Ego wants to hear Sorry.   While patience is a great supporter of weakness,  impatience is a destroyer of strength. A desire changes nothing,  a decision changes something,  but a determination changes everything. Educated people change themselves according to the situation, but the experienced people can change the situation according to them. Punctuality is not about being on time, it is basically about respecting our own commitments..... Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke but only action truly brings you closer to your dreams. Everyone changes their way of living for their happiness  but ONLY A FEW changes their way of living for others. Nothing will  work unless you do, CHOICE IS YOURS. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    


Hi Everyone! How are you doing? I hope Everything is going well. So, now we are going to talk about SMILE! So, I have a question for you. The question is that, HOW OFTEN DO YOU SMILE? You might be recollecting that "when did I smile?" or Your answer might be I have smiled just now....! Hmm, okay…! Why to remember everything? Why don't You SMILE now. So Make a smiling face 😊 take a selfie, upload it on WhatsApp status by captioning #SMILE  and make others also smile. So there are some faces who always smile and there are some faces who smile often. It's ok chalega! Because Everyone's life is different. But here, it's  just the matter of Smile. There are some reasons why I'm saying you to smile. One of the main reason is that  smiling removes negativity from life by substituting positivity. That's why many people say 'MUSKURATE RAHO'  which means KEEP SMILING  in Hindi. Another reason is that smile reduces stress. You may believe or not but it...